Parenting Resources

Resource Highlights:

ccampis emergency supplies

LA County Reading Stars

Campus Resources

Little Bruin Clubhouse

The Little Bruin Clubhouse, funded by the Social Justice Referendum, provides free and reduced-cost evening youth programming for dependents at the Sunset Canyon Recreation Center for children ranging from diaper graduate to age 12. Student dependents may utilize the clubhouse at no cost.

Center for Accessible Education

To request CAE accommodations, complete the Academic Accommodations application process and submit supporting documentation from a doctor or medical provider. You will be invited to meet with a Disability Specialist to discuss your requested accommodations. Reasonable accommodations are determined based on an individual’s unique needs and disability through the interactive process.

Title IX Protections for Pregnant & Parenting Students

Title IX prohibits a school from discriminating against a student based on the student’s pregnancy, childbirth, false pregnancy, termination of pregnancy, or recovery from any of these conditions. Title IX also prohibits a school from applying any rule related to a student’s parental, family, or marital status that treats students differently based on their sex. Specialized services must be provided to pregnant persons if special services are provided to those with temporary 'medical conditions'.

Campus Lactation Spaces

An interactive map of lactation spaces through the UCLA campus.
Lactation Space in the Student Activities Center (SAC) is managed by SwD and code can be accessed by calling: 310.794.1823 or visiting our office located in the Bruin Resource Center (B44).

UCLA Breastfeeding Resources

UCLA has three full-time staff members who are trained as Certified Lactation Educator Counselors (CLEC). CLECs provide services that focus on education as a means of preventing serious issues that would require a higher level of clinical care. CLECs are trained to aid breastfeeding as it applies to the average mother experiencing normal challenges.

Childcare Options and Funding

Funding resources depend on your location; therefore, not all of these resources may work if you don't live in the area where subsidy programs are provided.

For more information regarding childcare subsidies, please visit the California Department of Social Services website:

Family Activities

Kid Friendly Beaches

Local Libraries

Additional Resources