SwD Graduation Celebration
Celebrate your triumph as a parent and a UCLA graduate at the Annual SwD at UCLA Graduation Celebration planned in partnership with the Bruin Parenting Scholars student group! In this family-friendly event, your determination and fortitude will be honored as you and your child(ren) walk across the stage. Your dependent(s) can wear a cap and gown with you to receive commendation and validation for your accomplishments (Not required).
The Students with Dependents Graduation Celebration formerly known as the Parenting Students Graduation Celebration was founded in 2010 by members of Parenting Students at UCLA who wished to acknowledge the accomplishments of students who triumphed in pursuing their degree at UCLA while raising their children. In this personalized ceremony, we will honor and celebrate you for your tenacity and commitment to your educational goals. In this family-friendly event, you and your child(ren) or dependents will wear caps and gowns as you walk or carry your child(ren) on stage to receive commendations and accolades for your success as a UCLA graduate.
If you have any questions, please contact the SwD program at swd@saonet.ucla.edu
More information coming soon!
Families have the option of purchasing a cap/gown for child(ren) to wear at the ceremony. You may purchase directly through the Josten’s website: http://jostenskinderkraft.com Select "Royal Blue" Cap/Gown/Tassel color. Allow at least 10 days for shipping. Packages start at $16.95 per child (+ shipping). For dependents that will not be wearing graduation attire, dressy attire is suggested.